Resource Library
The latest resources for the home and building performance industry
Our online resource library contains industry resources, including downloadable PDFs, webinar playbacks, videos, and reports. This library is continually updated to include the latest information and educational content.
Residential Energy Efficiency Center: Career Training Path
The Residential Energy Efficiency Center published a training path document for energy efficiency careers.
National Definition of a Zero Emissions Building – Part 1
Department of Energy (DOE) released Part One of its National Definition of a Zero Emissions Building: Operational Emissions from Energy Use, Version 1.
DOE: Decarbonizing the U.S. Economy by 2050: A National Blueprint for the Buildings Sector
Download the DOE's building sector blueprint for decarbonizing the U.S. economy by 2050.
Kentucky Housing Corporation: KY Weatherization Careers Flyer
Download Kentucky Housing Corporation's one-pager about weatherization careers in Kentucky.
IRS: Residential Clean Energy Credit (25D)
This flyer explains which home energy efficiency installations are eligible for clean energy credits and how to apply for the tax credits.
IRS: Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit (25C)
This flyer explains how consumers can save money on utility bills & receive tax credits for home energy efficiency improvements.
BPA: HOMES and HEAR Fact Sheet for AZ Contractors
BPA and AnnDyl have released a fact sheet for contractors in Arizona to stay informed on Home Energy Rebate Programs.
ACEEE & BPA Report: Retrofitting America’s Homes: Designing Home Energy Programs That Leverage Federal Climate Investments With Other Funding
This paper from ACEEE, the AnnDyl Policy Group, and BPA outlines how states can maximize the impact of the funds to lower utility bills and cut climate pollution.
HVAC: Evaporator 101
Learn about the basic purpose and function of the evaporator coil.
IAQ Radio: Don Fugler – IEQ Pioneers
Watch as Don Fugler discusses his contributions to our current understanding of indoor environments and his thoughts on what the future holds.
Building Science in Alaska: Home Energy Minute
Watch as Corbett Lunsford interviews Griffin Hagle about controlling home performance in northernmost coastal Alaska.
Exploring Passive House Design
Watch to learn how passive home designs can use up to 90% less energy than the average home.
Building Science Meets Mountain Climate with Joseph Lstiburek
Watch as Joe Lstiburek discusses building science in a mountain climate.
A Short Guide to a Radical Retrofit
Watch as builders take you through the key principles of undertaking a radical retrofit of a home.
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