Research and Reports
BPA publishes research, policy papers, and fact sheets on residential energy efficiency and home performance.
New Approaches to Cost-Effectiveness Testing
An overview of a groundbreaking proposal designed to ensure appropriate levels of public investment in energy efficiency programs. Presented by Robin LeBaron at the Oregon Home Performance Guild Second Annual Conference in Portland, OR.
BPI-2101-S-2013 Standard Requirements for a Certificate of Completion for Residential Energy Efficiency Upgrades
This data sheet identifies a standard set of data elements for certificates that document the completion of a whole-house energy upgrade (HEU) or individual energy conservation measures (ECMs) in existing homes.
Unlocking the Value of an Energy Efficient Home: A Blueprint to Make Energy Efficiency Improvements Visible in the Real Estate Market
A disconnect currently exists between the energy efficiency program implementers, the real estate community, and the homebuyer and seller. Energy efficiency programs have not found ways to transmit consistent, standardized data about energy efficiency features in existing homes to the real estate industry so that these features can be taken into account by buyers, appraisers lenders, and others during the home sales transaction. This white paper, developed by the National Home Performance Council and CNT Energy, provide energy efficiency program sponsrs and other stakeholders in the home performance industry with methods to document efficiency improvements and incorporate them into the real estate value chain.
Introduction to NHPC
An overview of NHPC. Presented by Kara Saul Rinaldi at NASEO conference in Hershey, PA.
Pro Forma: Modeling the Impact of Program Marketing on Contractor Revenues
Robin LeBaron's presentation at the Better Buildings conference. Home Performance Advocacy
Where Does All the Data Go?
Presentation by Robin LeBaron on the new BPI-2100 and BPI-2200 data standards.
Measuring It Right: Advancing Policy-Maker Education on Sound Cost Effectiveness Testing
Presented by Kara Saul Rinaldi at the 2013 ACI conference.
Bringing on the Boom and Beating the Bust: A Framework for Developing a Roadmap to a Successful Home Performance Industry
The Building Performance Association routinely carries out policy research to engage home performance stakeholders in a national discussion to benefit and advance the home performance industry.This white paper, which was drafted in 2013 under the auspices of the National Home Performance Council, outlines a process for creating and implementing a road map that would identify and prioritize challenges, solutions, and responsibilities, and would serve as a guide for industry stakeholders. The paper does not serve as the road map itself, but rather provides direction for the home performance sector of the industry. In proposing a framework for an industry-wide discussion, HPC aims to bring together a broad group of home performance sector stakeholders to obtain broad agreement of the best strategies for overcoming challenges posed to each of the markets driving growth for whole-house energy efficiency upgrades: consumer markets and resource markets. A roadmap developed through this process would not only serve as a guide, but would also bring new coordination and unity to the home performance industry. By working as a cohesive group, home performance professionals can coordinate projects, hold one another accountable, and surpass market barriers that have so far impeded growth to profitability and scale.
Air and Duct Sealing Fact Sheet
Understanding air and duct sealing, sealing materials, benefits of sealing, standards and so much more!
Energy Efficiency Home Buyer/Owner Tips
A quick reference for homeowners that outlines a number of easy DIY ways to increase the energy efficiency of their home and reduce their monthly energy bills. Helpful tips for potential home buyers regarding what types of features and labels they should look for are also included.
Insulation R-Value Fact Sheet
Definition of R-value, facts about insulation, and home owner/buyer guidelines/tips for buying and installing insulation.
U-Factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient Fact Sheet
Understanding high performance windows, comparing window energy efficiencies, performance ratings, tax credits and more