Participate in the USEER Survey
December 13, 2024
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is conducting a national survey (for the United States Energy and Employment Report, or USEER) about the energy, energy-related, and advanced manufacturing industries. This important survey addresses businesses that research, develop, manufacture, install, or work with products that generate, distribute, or save energy. With detailed industry information in hand, these stakeholders will have the data to support this growing industry and address challenges that may exist.
This confidential, voluntary survey will take between 15 and 45 minutes of your time and will provide us with valuable feedback to ensure that DOE, the federal government, and energy stakeholders fully understand the needs of companies like yours. For the most recent USEER, please click here.
DOE has engaged an independent research firm, BW Research Partnership, to conduct an employer survey to better understand the strengths, weaknesses, barriers, opportunities, and needs from this important sector.
We know you are busy, so we have provided two convenient options for completing the survey:
Option 1 – Complete the survey online at www.bwresearch.com/p/USEER2025/?i=BPA
Option 2 – Email useer@bwresearch.com and BW Research Partnership will email you a unique link to complete the survey online.
Your individual responses will remain strictly confidential and anonymous.
If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Ava Kalina, Department of Energy Fellow, at (202) 573-5882 or email ava.kalina@hq.doe.gov.
Thank you in advance for taking time to participate in this important study.